January 2023

Sustainability copywriter – the slingshot to defeat Goliath? Unlocking your best advantage.

Sustainability copywriter - the slingshot to success?

Sustainability copywriter – the slingshot to defeat Goliath? How can sustainable brands overcome their biggest challenge? Every sustainable business starts out to create a better alternative for society, the economy, or the environment. Yet, many sustainable companies struggle to succeed. Their competitors usually have lower costs and prices or higher performance. The business rivalry often looks like a fight between David and Goliath. But the […]

Sustainability copywriter – the slingshot to defeat Goliath? Unlocking your best advantage. Read More »

How to create certainty in copywriting in 3 simple steps?

How to create certainty in copywriting in 3 simple steps

How to create certainty in copywriting in 3 simple steps? Clarity, social proof, and guarantees are the 3 most effective ways to evoke certainty in your future clients. Clarity is about telling the truth in plain language. Social proof is about showing you are credible and trusted by other people. Guarantees demonstrate that you are taking an extra step to ensure your customer’s well-being and

How to create certainty in copywriting in 3 simple steps? Read More »

Scarcity in copywriting: how to skyrocket sales while avoiding costly mistakes.


Scarcity in copywriting: how to skyrocket sales while avoiding costly mistakes. What is not easily available is often seen as more valuable. Everyone worth their salt in marketing, advertising, and copywriting understands that scarcity drives desire. This principle is equally true in marketing, geopolitics, biology, and economics. Our article will dive deeply into using scarcity in your copywriting while avoiding costly mistakes. Table of Contents

Scarcity in copywriting: how to skyrocket sales while avoiding costly mistakes. Read More »

How to create urgency in copywriting without being pushy?

How to create urgency in copywriting without being pushy

How to create urgency in copywriting without being pushy? Copywriters create urgency all the time because it helps them sell. The reason that it works so well is related to cognitive biases. Simply put, the brain is lazy and will only take immediate action only if it has no alternative. Read on to discover why urgency is so important to inspire action and a few

How to create urgency in copywriting without being pushy? Read More »