
Sustainability copywriter – the slingshot to defeat Goliath? Unlocking your best advantage.

Sustainability copywriter - the slingshot to success?

Sustainability copywriter – the slingshot to defeat Goliath? How can sustainable brands overcome their biggest challenge? Every sustainable business starts out to create a better alternative for society, the economy, or the environment. Yet, many sustainable companies struggle to succeed. Their competitors usually have lower costs and prices or higher performance. The business rivalry often looks like a fight between David and Goliath. But the […]

Sustainability copywriter – the slingshot to defeat Goliath? Unlocking your best advantage. Read More »

How to create certainty in copywriting in 3 simple steps?

How to create certainty in copywriting in 3 simple steps

How to create certainty in copywriting in 3 simple steps? Clarity, social proof, and guarantees are the 3 most effective ways to evoke certainty in your future clients. Clarity is about telling the truth in plain language. Social proof is about showing you are credible and trusted by other people. Guarantees demonstrate that you are taking an extra step to ensure your customer’s well-being and

How to create certainty in copywriting in 3 simple steps? Read More »

Scarcity in copywriting: how to skyrocket sales while avoiding costly mistakes.


Scarcity in copywriting: how to skyrocket sales while avoiding costly mistakes. What is not easily available is often seen as more valuable. Everyone worth their salt in marketing, advertising, and copywriting understands that scarcity drives desire. This principle is equally true in marketing, geopolitics, biology, and economics. Our article will dive deeply into using scarcity in your copywriting while avoiding costly mistakes. Table of Contents

Scarcity in copywriting: how to skyrocket sales while avoiding costly mistakes. Read More »

How to create urgency in copywriting without being pushy?

How to create urgency in copywriting without being pushy

How to create urgency in copywriting without being pushy? Copywriters create urgency all the time because it helps them sell. The reason that it works so well is related to cognitive biases. Simply put, the brain is lazy and will only take immediate action only if it has no alternative. Read on to discover why urgency is so important to inspire action and a few

How to create urgency in copywriting without being pushy? Read More »

25 Proven Cognitive Biases in Copywriting: Marketing Secrets


25 Proven Cognitive Biases in Copywriting: Marketing Secrets Homo Economicus, the consistently rational and self-interested human, is a myth. Cognitive biases in copywriting take advantage of our built-in emotional responses. How people act is often determined by situational factors – physical state, emotions, motivations, beliefs, group identity, and many others. When these factors consistently affect our decision-making, they become cognitive biases.  Although the human brain

25 Proven Cognitive Biases in Copywriting: Marketing Secrets Read More »

What brand voice should I use for my business?

What brand voice should I use for my business

What brand voice should I use for my business? How your brand sounds can be just as important as how it looks. All top-tier brands have a unique voice that differentiates them from their competitors. Perhaps even more important, a brand voice helps your audience understand what to expect. In its purest form, your voice should help communicate your company’s mission and core values. So

What brand voice should I use for my business? Read More »

The top copywriting funnel frameworks from marketing.


The top 5 copywriting funnel frameworks from marketing. Marketers have used funnel frameworks for decades to divide their audience into smaller pieces to manage and individually address each one for a more significant effect. Instead of trying to guess what each individual needs, they have created a system that outlines the entire buying process. In turn, use copywriting funnel frameworks to ensure the right message

The top copywriting funnel frameworks from marketing. Read More »

Writing positioning – the secret to writing less and charging more.


Writing positioning – the secret to writing less and charging more. Often, what separates experienced writers from beginners is their writing positioning. The online freelance writing world is like a shaken-up snow globe. Thanks to technological advancements, writers, editors, and businesses from all over the world are mixed together. This global mesh has resulted, among other things, in a complete lack of pricing standards. As

Writing positioning – the secret to writing less and charging more. Read More »

How to message with purpose through search intent?


How to master purposeful writing with search intent? Search intent is all about understanding what is the right message at the right time for your audience. If you figure out precisely what that is, you can even get away with subpar execution. Oppositely, even perfect writing cannot compensate if your message misses the target. So how do you figure out what to write? Mastering search

How to message with purpose through search intent? Read More »

How to work with copywriters effectively? All you need to know.

How to work with copywriters to get amazing results

How to work with copywriters to get amazing results? Regardless if you are coming from our guides on “Using content writers effectively” or “Do I need a writer?“, you probably want to discover the magical thing that makes copywriters one of the most polarizing writers. After all, they charge more and write less than any other writing category. So what gives them so much leverage?

How to work with copywriters effectively? All you need to know. Read More »