Content Writing

Sustainability copywriter – the slingshot to defeat Goliath? Unlocking your best advantage.

Sustainability copywriter - the slingshot to success?

Sustainability copywriter – the slingshot to defeat Goliath? How can sustainable brands overcome their biggest challenge? Every sustainable business starts out to create a better alternative for society, the economy, or the environment. Yet, many sustainable companies struggle to succeed. Their competitors usually have lower costs and prices or higher performance. The business rivalry often looks like a fight between David and Goliath. But the […]

Sustainability copywriter – the slingshot to defeat Goliath? Unlocking your best advantage. Read More »

What is good website content?

What is good website content

What is good website content? What real estate is to the real world, good website content is to the internet. Just as your physical business needs people to know it exists, so does your website. The internet is one big interconnected city where everyone is constantly looking for something to learn or something to do. By creating content around your area of expertise or the

What is good website content? Read More »

How to message with purpose through search intent?


How to master purposeful writing with search intent? Search intent is all about understanding what is the right message at the right time for your audience. If you figure out precisely what that is, you can even get away with subpar execution. Oppositely, even perfect writing cannot compensate if your message misses the target. So how do you figure out what to write? Mastering search

How to message with purpose through search intent? Read More »

How to spot beginner content writers? The 20 dead giveaways.

The 20 giveaways of beginner content writers

How to spot beginner content writers? The 20 dead giveaways. Beginner content writers come in many sizes and shapes. Great content is good in a unique way. Poor content sucks universally the same. Beginner writers and experts can fail, but only a beginner can get lucky. Finding out if someone got lucky is crucial when you’re looking to trust someone with your brand’s name and

How to spot beginner content writers? The 20 dead giveaways. Read More »

What makes a good content writer? 5 signs you found a winner!

5 signs you found a content writer you should keep

What makes a good content writer? 5 signs you found a winner to keep! Content writers can be a complete waste of nerves, money, and time. However, they can also be the difference between growth and stagnation for your business. Great content has many benefits, but it takes time, team effort, and a good content writer. In this article, you’ll find: Table of Contents What

What makes a good content writer? 5 signs you found a winner! Read More »